Country best practices
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ALMA Scorecard for Accountability and Action
Community scorecard best practices
Neglected tropical disease scorecard tools
Nutrition scorecard tools
Malaria scorecard tools
RMNCAH scorecard tools
End Malaria Councils
Youth engagement
Global Malaria Dashboard
The Global Malaria Dashboard aims to pool available data across a wide range of sources to guide policy and management decisions, as well as partner coordination to deliver targeted support to overcome bottlenecks.
Commonwealth Malaria Tracker
In April 2018, the 53 Leaders of the Commonwealth countries made a commitment to halve malaria by 2023, a commitment which if achieved could prevent up to 350 million cases of malaria and save as many as 650,000 lives.
Rwanda RMNCAH scorecard tool
Over the past two decades, Rwanda has made tremendous progress in implementing innovative, high impact, health programmes to improve the health of children, adolescents and women.
APLMA Leaders Dashboard
The APLMA Leaders’ Dashboard (the Dashboard) is the mechanism to help countries track progress towards the 2030 goal.
Implementation of the community scorecard in Ethiopia: Best practices and lessons learned
In the rural areas of Ethiopia, an exciting citizen participation and feedback process is gaining attention and wielding impressive results.
Video: Kenya’s experience of using scorecard management tools to improve health outcomes for RMNCAH
Presentation from the Head of the Department of Family Health at the Kenya Ministry of Health.
Uganda RMNCAH scorecard tool for accountability and action: a district-led approach
Uganda has made commendable progress in improving reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) indices over the recent past.
RMNCAH scorecard tool supports accountability and action as countries prioritise adolescent health
In 2014, the World Health Organization reported that gains made in maternal and child health were at risk of being lost if investments in adolescent health were not increased.
Video: Tanzania malaria scorecard
This video provides background on Tanzania’s malaria scorecard.
Tanzania malaria scorecard overview
The Tanzania’s Ministry of Health developed the country’s Malaria scorecard management tool in 2016 under the leadership of the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) and with the support of ALMA and partners.