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ALMA Scorecard for Accountability and Action
Community scorecard best practices
Neglected tropical disease scorecard tools
Nutrition scorecard tools
Malaria scorecard tools
RMNCAH scorecard tools
Youth engagement
Rwanda’s malaria scorecard enables evidence-based community engagement to address malaria control bottlenecks
Examples of community-level issues identified by the scorecard and addressed jointly by CSOs and communities with support from other stakeholders
Video – Uganda Malaria Youth Champions: Addressing malaria in pregnancy issues identified in the national malaria scorecard
How ALMA Youth Corps and young people commemorated World Malaria Day 2024
In this best practice, we highlight some of the activities youth champions conducted to commemorate World Malaria Day 2024.
Scorecard tools support countries to track and control the effects of malaria in pregnancy
Examples of actions taken in response to malaria in pregnancy bottlenecks.
Involving Uganda malaria youth champions in seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Karamoja region
In 2023, members of Malaria Youth Champions Uganda participated in seasonal malaria chemoprevention campaigns by conducting interviews with household members, addressing concerns and ensuring safe administration of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and amodiaquine.
Video – Kenya Malaria Youth Corps: Igniting change in the fight against malaria
This video showcases the tremendous work of the Kenya Malaria Youth Corps.
Mobilising funds for free antenatal care services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo using the RMNCAH-N scorecard
The province of Équateur recently used the RMNCAH-N scorecard to mobilise funding for critical gaps in maternal and newborn health.
Video: Kenya RMNCAH scorecard
This video shows the progress the Republic of Kenya in improving reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health across the country, since the introduction of their RMNCAH scorecard in 2014.
Video: Trypanosomiasis elimination in Rwanda – multi-sector collaboration
In 2022, the World Health Organization certified that Rwanda had eliminated human African trypanosomiasis as a public health problem.
Video: Mali RMNCAH scorecard – human impact
Thanks to the awareness raised by the RMNCAH scorecard during the pandemic, Mali has seen improvements in RMNCAH.