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ALMA Scorecard for Accountability and Action
Community scorecard best practices
Neglected tropical disease scorecard tools
Nutrition scorecard tools
Malaria scorecard tools
RMNCAH scorecard tools
End Malaria Councils
Youth engagement
RMNCAH scorecard deepens political commitment in Kenya’s Siaya County
Siaya County is located along the shores of Lake Victoria in western Kenya. It is a county with challenging health issues and complex health determinants.
Ghana community scorecard: achievements
It offers a systematic way to gather data, monitor and act on the demand side of service delivery in contrast to the conventional approach focused primarily on the supply side of the health sector.
Ghana community scorecard: how it works
On a quarterly basis, the CSC tool and associated community-engagement processes (discussion, scoring, action planning and monitoring) are implemented at the community level.
RMNCAH scorecard leads to improved service coverage in Kenya’s Migori County
A number of tangible achievements linked to RMNCAH scorecard use have been reported by Migori County officers in the areas of resource mobilization, data quality and service delivery.
How countries and partners are using nutrition scorecard tools
Nutrition scorecards are multi-sectoral and dynamic management tools for strengthening accountability and driving action towards the attainment of continental and country nutrition commitments.
Zambia RMNCAH scorecard tool overview
Scorecard developed by the Ministry of Health in 2014. Partners include ALMA, AKROS, Abt Associates, UNICEF, USAID and WHO.
Ghana community scorecard: design and start-up process
The CSC offers a systematic way to gather, act, monitor and evaluate proposed actions that addresses service delivery challenges.
ALMA Scorecard for Accountability and Action overview
In 2011, ALMA Heads of State and Government requested a scorecard to enhance tracking and accountability for malaria.
Zambia – Eastern Province case study: Improving service delivery, data quality and partner coordination
The National Malaria Elimination Programme and partners use the scorecard to track progress performance against 11 key malaria indicators nationally and sub-nationally to drive action.
Video: Ethiopia community scorecard (CSC)
Detailed overview of Ethiopia's health sector community scorecard experience as described by Ministry of Health policymakers, local health workers and citizens.