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ALMA Scorecard for Accountability and Action
Community scorecard best practices
Neglected tropical disease scorecard tools
Nutrition scorecard tools
Malaria scorecard tools
RMNCAH scorecard tools
End Malaria Councils
Youth engagement
Overview of nutrition, RMNCAH and community scorecards in Kenya
Kenya is one of the high performing countries in the use of scorecard accountability and action tools. Below is an overview of the country’s progress to date.
RMNCAH scorecard in Bungoma County, Kenya
Within two years, the county had successfully decentralised the scorecard’s review and utilisation down to the sub-county, ward, and health facility levels.
Video: Kenya RMNCAH scorecard
This video shows the progress the Republic of Kenya in improving reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health across the country, since the introduction of their RMNCAH scorecard in 2014.
Scorecards lead to improvements in completeness and timeliness of health data reporting
Most countries (including Burundi, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Zambia) have integrated reporting ‘completeness’ and ‘timeliness’ into their scorecards.
Video: Kenya’s experience of using scorecard management tools to improve health outcomes for RMNCAH
Presentation from the Head of the Department of Family Health at the Kenya Ministry of Health.
RMNCAH scorecard tool supports accountability and action as countries prioritise adolescent health
In 2014, the World Health Organization reported that gains made in maternal and child health were at risk of being lost if investments in adolescent health were not increased.
RMNCAH scorecard deepens political commitment in Kenya’s Siaya County
Siaya County is located along the shores of Lake Victoria in western Kenya. It is a county with challenging health issues and complex health determinants.
RMNCAH scorecard leads to improved service coverage in Kenya’s Migori County
A number of tangible achievements linked to RMNCAH scorecard use have been reported by Migori County officers in the areas of resource mobilization, data quality and service delivery.
RMNCAH scorecard increases data demand and use in Kenya’s Bungoma County
In 2014, Bungoma County in western Kenya had some of the lowest Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent (RMNCAH) outcomes and health inputs in the country.
Kenya RMNCAH scorecard tool overview
Scorecard developed by the National Malaria Control Programme in 2014. Partners include ALMA, MEASURE Evaluation, UNICEF, USAID, World Bank and WHO.