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ALMA Scorecard for Accountability and Action
Community scorecard best practices
Neglected tropical disease scorecard tools
Nutrition scorecard tools
Malaria scorecard tools
RMNCAH scorecard tools
Youth engagement
Scorecards lead to data quality improvements in national health management information systems
Scorecards help countries identify DHIS2 data quality configuration issues.
Ghana community scorecard: achievements
It offers a systematic way to gather data, monitor and act on the demand side of service delivery in contrast to the conventional approach focused primarily on the supply side of the health sector.
Ghana community scorecard: how it works
On a quarterly basis, the CSC tool and associated community-engagement processes (discussion, scoring, action planning and monitoring) are implemented at the community level.
Ghana community scorecard: design and start-up process
The CSC offers a systematic way to gather, act, monitor and evaluate proposed actions that addresses service delivery challenges.
Video: Ghana community scorecard (CSC)
These videos provides background on Ghana’s community scorecard, including a description of how it works, the indicators used, and what it has accomplished since it was developed in 2018.
Ghana community scorecard tool overview
In 2018, the Ministry of Health of Ghana and the Ghana Health Service, with support from ALMA, developed a community scorecard.