Country best practices
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ALMA Scorecard for Accountability and Action
Community scorecard best practices
Neglected tropical disease scorecard tools
Nutrition scorecard tools
Malaria scorecard tools
RMNCAH scorecard tools
End Malaria Councils
Youth engagement
Video: Leveraging collaborations to strengthen NTD programmes in Zambia
Video: Progress made by Zambia in addressing NTDs
Video: How partnerships deliver impact on NTD control in Zambia
Video: Introduction to the Zambia NTD scorecard
Zambia Sugar: Private sector investing in malaria as a core business strategy
Zambia Sugar has been a valued member of the EMC since its launch in 2019.
Overview of nutrition, RMNCAH and community scorecards in Kenya
Kenya is one of the high performing countries in the use of scorecard accountability and action tools. Below is an overview of the country’s progress to date.
Community scorecard in Kakamega County, Kenya
Community health is a flagship initiative of Kenya’s Vision 2030 and is recognised as the first level of facility care in the Kenya Health Act of 2017
RMNCAH scorecard in Bungoma County, Kenya
Within two years, the county had successfully decentralised the scorecard’s review and utilisation down to the sub-county, ward, and health facility levels.
Nutrition scorecard in Kakamega County, Kenya
Adoption and utilisation of the nutrition scorecard in Kenya.
Rwanda’s malaria scorecard enables evidence-based community engagement to address malaria control bottlenecks
Examples of community-level issues identified by the scorecard and addressed jointly by CSOs and communities with support from other stakeholders